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Congratulations! Professor Xia Guihua won the Science and Technology Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation!

DATEFeb 19, 2023


February 17th

Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation 2021 and 2022 Annual Awards Conference

Held at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse

Professor Xia Guihua from Harbin Institute of Engineering Intelligence

Awarded 2021

Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation

Science and Technology Progress Award

112 outstanding scientific and technological workers have won awards this time

Introduction by Professor Xia Guihua

Professor Xia Guihua is a pioneer in the field of ship digital and intelligent control technology in China, achieving multiple groundbreaking research results and winning 13 national and provincial level scientific and technological progress awards, including 1 second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and 4 first prizes of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Progress Award; Received 35 invention patent authorizations, 13 software copyrights, and published 57 papers in the past five years. He presided over the project of "Research on Simulation, Verification and Evaluation of Overall Scheme and Mnemonic major system Performance", which solved the problem of high-precision real-time simulation of large ships and made outstanding contributions to the construction of China's maritime power. The project won the second prize of the National Award for Science and Technology Progress in 2017, and he ranked first.

He led the research and development of China's first "Ship Three Redundant (DP3) Dynamic Positioning System", which won the first prize of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Progress Award in 2022, ranking first. He solved the problem of "bottleneck" in the dynamic positioning system, a key equipment for marine special operations in China's ships and marine engineering, and achieved good economic and social benefits. He led the development of the first international numerical water tank virtual experimental system that integrates physical experimental databases and parallel computing, solving the problem of "bottleneck" in China's industrial software for precise calculation and simulation of ship hydrodynamic performance, and providing an integrated solution for precise calculation and simulation of water hydrodynamic performance in ship and ocean engineering design, trial navigation, and operation. At present, he has led the research on ship digital twin systems and made gratifying progress.

Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Science and Technology Award

The Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Science and Technology Progress Award was awarded to 66 outstanding scientific and technological workers who have made major scientific discoveries or made outstanding contributions in the fields of mathematical mechanics, life sciences, engineering technology, etc. Under the Science and Technology Innovation Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation, 44 outstanding scientific and technological workers were awarded the Youth Innovation Award, the Industrial Innovation Award and the Regional Innovation Award.

The Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation was founded in 1994 by Hong Kong patriotic financiers Ho Sin Hang, Liang Guiju, He Tian and Lee Quo-wei, aiming at rewarding outstanding Chinese scientists and serving the national modernization drive. Over the past 29 years, a total of 1526 outstanding scientific and technological workers have been selected and rewarded, becoming a successful example of China's social forces creating scientific and technological awards. They have played a positive role in stimulating the vitality of China's scientific and technological development and cultivating independent innovation talents.